Our Story.
Allow me to begin this story by introducing who I am and the experiences that built my drive for helping others through the challenges that I myself faced and the lessons that I learned that has brought me to where I am today. Of course, there are so many people and things that have affected my life and I am so incredibly grateful for all that has come my way - both adversity and blessings. Each person is uniquely made and I am so grateful to have been given this life today and hope to grow along with neighbors through whatever is to come! After giving a brief picture of my experiences, I will be diving deeper into the vision, mission and value I have rooted my business and lifestyle in today.
My name is Elizabeth Rushdoony, my husband and I live in a small town in Calaveras County and I am a California Licensed Realtor® with Keller Williams. I am so grateful to live in the beautiful rolling foothills and to build a future here and I hope to provide reliable support and a strengthened community in the years to come!
My family moved to California when I was just about three years old, having come from New York City, the West Coast was very different but quickly felt like home for all of us. My Dad had planted a Church in the Bay Area in 2000 and my Mom helped raise us and get us through our schooling years, which at some points looked like public schools and at other times were charter/ homeschooling programs or private schools. As it may be clear, me and my siblings experienced a lot of changes growing up and had been involved with many different circles of friends both in and outside of the Church. I remember that making friends was always very easy for me as I loved to connect with and inspire the peers around me. Over the years, I began to develop my own passions and perspectives on the world around me.
I am very lucky to also have had a family that enjoyed traveling, learning, and exploring new places that instilled a goal for myself to continue traveling and exploring throughout my adult life as well; many of my favorite places to see were the beautiful coasts of California with the most amazing sunsets, the breath-taking forests and mountainous views like the ones that Yosemite offers or along our road trip to Colorado, and the busy streets of old towns or ancient cities that provoked wonder for the history in the people and the architecture that came before us.
Where Her Path Lead…
Before entering my high school years, my family made a move across the country. We sold our home at the end of fall and began a new chapter in a small town of central Virginia where my Dad was continuing his ministry work. A new home in a completely new state attending a new school surrounded by unfamiliar faces and new peers was a difficult transition to make.
When she first embarked on the path to getting her license in Real Estate, the motivation was rooted in a deep passion to serve and support others around me as becoming a homeowner is one of the greatest financial investments an individual or family can make for their future. Additionally, it has been a long-time dream of hers to work in an industry that involves interior architecture and home design. With a background in studying Interior Architecture after High School, design inspiration continues to grow each and evolve each year for Elizabeth.
Home Planning is a service that pulls together the critical foundational steps in building and putting together the trajectory of your ownership in real estate. Ranging from Home renovation planning, creating future purchase timelines and functional organization of your home spaces, Elizabeth can do it all! If you decide to book a Home Planning Consultation, you will discuss the personal needs of your spaces, or financial investment needs one-on-one with Elizabeth and together you will develop a detailed plan as to how we can help you accomplish your goals with full transparency and minimized overwhelm in each step.
How Simply Golden Homes Came To Be:
With a successful path of Real Estate sales in the works, it quickly became clear that there was something missing in the education and guidance strategies for individuals desiring to purchase a home. Many people in my community and beyond seemed to be unsure of what steps were necessary in the beginning stages of planning for homeownership and even after having purchased. That is why clear communication quickly became prioritized through implementing educational and visual resources for the successful execution of each unique transaction.
Throughout the entire first year of learning the in’s and out’s of Real Estate (all thanks to the amazing community and available resources in Keller Williams) the business and initial systems all came together with the vision and personal passions to form this business into your ‘one stop shop’ for resources and services to redefine the meaning of HOME for you. Book your Consultation today to discuss how we can establish a solution together for your home’s planning, transactional, or design needs!
The Origin and Appeal of the Historical Sierras
In 1848, the largest mass migration of the United States of America took place with the discovery of gold and opportunity for pioneers and families to escape poverty. Along with the implantation of new communities along the west side of the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range, new found appreciated multiplied rapidly in the foothills. What is known as the Sierra Foothills that make up the Gold country are incredibly rich in nature, history and tight-nit communities!
As many of Californians know, the elevation and desirable climate of the Sierra Foothills make this area one of the most frequently visited parts of the State to experience the history first hand, explore the outdoors, or witness the agricultural and locally sourced lifestyle. For many years before gold was discovered in these hills, Native Americans, Spanish Explorers, Catholic Missionaries and fellow American Settlers explored and cherished the beauty and awe of the nature.
After having lived in the Gold Country area for a few years and falling more and more in love with the Sierras, it became easy to know that this place has been engraved on my heart in a way I never expected. Highway 4 is now my home and I hope to provide information and the legendary history behind what makes this space so desirable and filled with potential!
The Vision and Mission Statement of The Business
It is a main priority and goal to care for and nurture our community and put first the well-being of our surrounding society and environment. And, our mission here is to provide value and personal guidance for profitable and manageable homeownership.
In Real Estate Transactions, we provide local knowledge and trusted vendor access alongside financial guidance and management of transferring confidential documents for lessened overwhelm in such an impactful life-change. Additionally, working with Elizabeth allows for help in implementing efficient marketing systems to capture attention and drive interested buyers through staging, photographing, both digital and printed campaigns.
In Home Planning, we provide customizable services to establish and achieve your goals in homeownership, investing and the functionality of your surrounding spaces. In these services, you are provided with actionable plans and blueprints to form the homeownership and lifestyle that most makes sense for you.
Last, but not least: in Design, we transform home and outdoor spaces through practical organizational systems, de-cluttering support, and functionally decorated spaces. We will develop the plan step-by-step through supporting analysis and coaching so that you can produce your desired spacial layout, manageability, and profit on return.
If you want to learn more about how you might be able to receive personalized support, guidance in establishing your homeownership goals, or design coaching for your unique space… explore the home page or book a free consultation!